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- INFO-HAMS Digest Sun, 29 Oct 89 Volume 89 : Issue 822
- Today's Topics:
- * SpaceNews 30Oct89 *
- -- Need Info on JVC Model SR-6600 Shortwave Receiver --
- 6 meter R/C
- Down with SO239 connectors!!
- How to charge Kenwood PB-21H?
- New FCC question pools
- PL259 connector assembly
- Shortwave Listening via C-SPAN (2 msgs)
- ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- Date: 28 Oct 89 18:35:49 GMT
- From: pacbell!hoptoad!peora!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd@ames.arc.nasa.gov (John Magliacane Wall Township NJ)
- Subject: * SpaceNews 30Oct89 *
- Bulletin ID: SPC91030
- ---------
- SpaceNews
- ---------
- SpaceNews originates at KD2BD in Wall Township, NJ, and is distributed weekly
- around the world. It is available for UNLIMITED distribution.
- * OSCAR-10 NEWS *
- -----------------
- No operations are allowed through AO-10 until further notice.
- * OSCAR-12 NEWS *
- -----------------
- Here is the latest operating schedule for FUJI-OSCAR-12:
- Date Mode Operating Period
- --------+------+------------------
- 05Nov89 | JD | 0948 - 1151 UTC
- 18Nov89 | JA | 0532 - 1142 UTC
- 25Nov89 | JD | 2247 - 0049 UTC (on 26Nov89)
- 05Dec89 | JD | 1951 - 2153 UTC
- * OSCAR-13 NEWS *
- -----------------
- Peter (DB2OS) reports that after reloading the onboard computer with IPS and
- the operational software, AO-13 appears to be working properly. Transponder
- operation was resumed on 13Oct89. All AO-13 users are asked to be alert to
- the possibility of another IHU crash. If the general VHF beacon is found to
- be sending an unmodulated carrier or if transponder modes are changing at
- radically different MA "counts" from the published operating schedule, then
- users are asked to cease AO-13 operations.
- DB2OS and others have made another attempt to get RUDAK "on-line". RUDAK was
- designed to be a packet radio digipeater, but shortly after launch, the RUDAK
- "bootstrap" loader would not load the necessary software from ROM. The problem
- appears to be a defective PROM. A certain measure of success was recently
- achieved when the "bootstrap" loader started loading software from the ground.
- Although it was still not possible to load all the necessary software, the
- fact that the RUDAK "bootstrap" loader did work to a limited degree does leave
- some room for hope.
- Here is the latest AO-13 Operating Schedule:
- Mode B : MA 003...160
- Mode JL : MA 160...200
- Mode B : MA 200...240
- OFF : MA 240...003
- Note: Mode JL operations may not occur on time due to RUDAK testing.
- The Bahn attitude is 208/-3. The omni antennas will be used from MA 240 to 060.
- Mode S operations will begin early this week.
- ---------------
- According to the Hiraiso Solar-Terrestrial Research Center, Communications
- Laboratory, Japan, a reddish aurora was observed for about 10 minutes from
- Wakkanai, Hokkaido, Japan at 11:45 UTC on 21Oct89. This same solar disturbance
- blacked-out HF radio communictions world wide.
- [Story via Yoshiro Yamada, at the Yokohama Science Center, Japan]
- * MIR NEWS *
- ------------
- The expected launch of an expansion module to the Mir/Kvant-1 complex on 16Oct
- did not occur. On 11Oct89, TASS reported that this launch had been delayed due
- to an electronics problem with the air lock, or "D" module. Final, pre-launch
- tests showed problems in the scientific instuments on the module, not in the
- control system itself. This air lock system is now set for a mid-November
- launch, while the Technology module (Module T) is set for February 1990.
- The crew members, Cosmonauts Alexander Viktorenko and Alexander Serebrov, will
- maintain their original time table, and return to earth on 19Feb90.
- ---------------------
- Feedback regarding SpaceNews can be directed to the author (John) via any
- of the following paths:
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- <<< Stay on course......Say YES to Morse! >>>
- * SpaceNews * >> Satellite News You Won't Find Everywhere Else << * SpaceNews *
- <eof>
- --
- UUCP : ucbvax!rutgers!petsd!tsdiag!ka2qhd!kd2bd
- PACKET : KD2BD @ NN2Z (John)
- ..."There is no expedient to which a man will not resort to
- avoid the real labor of thinking." ....Sir Joshua Reynolds.
- ------------------------------
- Date: 30 Oct 89 00:53:56 GMT
- From: voa3!eab@uunet.uu.net (Al Brown)
- Subject: -- Need Info on JVC Model SR-6600 Shortwave Receiver --
- I am looking for any information on a JVC model SR-6600 portable
- shortwave receiver.
- Has anyone out in `net-land' ever heard of one? Bought one?
- If so, how does it perform? Does it meet the specs? Any
- problems? Where did you purchase it and what was the cost?
- Please respond via e-mail or phone me directly. I would
- appreciate any response.
- Tnx es 73.
- --
- E. Allen (Al) Brown VOA/BBC Voice of America
- ...uunet!voa3!eab WA3FYZ/ZF2LY Cohen Building, Room G-748
- Chief, Operations Branch Washington, DC 20547
- Computer Services Division +1 202 485 7021
- ------------------------------
- Date: 26 Oct 89 14:24:20 GMT
- From: rti!tijc02!jkl141@mcnc.org (John Leroy )
- Subject: 6 meter R/C
- >From article <891024054249.4b000127@CCC.NMFECC.GOV>, by MORRIS%ORN.MFENET@CCC.NMFECC.GOV:
- > Group,
- >
- > know where I can get Plessy ICs and data sheets from? The back-of-the-mags
- Try calling Plessey at 312-953-1484 or 408-438-2900. As far as
- distributors, I had to call them last time I was looking for
- some ICs from them, and they seem to change distributors often.
- --
- -John LeRoy
- Packet Radio: WA4VLV @ WX4S
- Compuserve: 74136,401
- UUCP: mcnc!rti!tijc02!jkl141
- Phone: 615-461-2440
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 89 07:07:41 GMT
- From: gem.mps.ohio-state.edu!ctrsol!emory!stiatl!rsiatl!jgd@tut.cis.ohio-state.edu (John G. De Armond)
- Subject: Down with SO239 connectors!!
- In article <25.Oct.89.17:15:08.BST.#3781@UK.AC.NWL.IA> PJML%UK.AC.NERC-WALLINGFORD.IBMA@CUNYVM.CUNY.EDU writes:
- >Why, oh why, do manufacturers insist on fitting PL259/SO239 connectors
- >to their gear? A more horrible connector for RF is hard to think of.
- >(anyone remember RCA Phono-plugs being used for RF wiring some years back?)
- >At anything above DC, the PL259 is horribly lossy and non-constant-impedance.
- >Unless you tighten them up real tight (like with a small pipe wrench!) they
- >unscrew themselves and oxidise after a few years.
- [rest of the religious dogma deleted]
- I challenge you to measure the loss through this connector at
- 2 meters or 440. I sure can't and I have some pretty spiffy test
- gear. Sure, I can see the impedance discontinuity on a TDR but it
- does not look much different than a BNC. Besides, impedance bump != power
- loss at low UHF and below.
- There's a really good reason why the PL/SO connectors are still around.
- They do the job and they are cheap. The day I can buy a silver-plated,
- teflon insulated N connector for 50 cents is the day I'll swap. Until
- then, the good 'ole UHF connector will work nicely.
- Oh what the heck, I must be all screwed up. After all, I use 75 ohm
- CATV hardline in my shack too. That it works just fine with very low
- loss does not affect the "experts" who continue to tell me that it will
- not work. Must be the UHF plugs I use on each end.
- >/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
- >* The difference between Science and Religion is that with Science, you *
- >* do the experiment, then write the Book. With Religion, you write the *
- >* Book, then get someone to carry out the Experiment *
- >\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\
- Kind of apropos considering all...
- John
- --
- John De Armond, WD4OQC | Manual? ... What manual ?!?
- Radiation Systems, Inc. Atlanta, GA | This is Unix, My son, You
- emory!stiatl!rsiatl!jgd **I am the NRA** | just GOTTA Know!!!
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 89 18:51:28 GMT
- From: blob@apple.com (Brian Bechtel)
- Subject: How to charge Kenwood PB-21H?
- I've recently acquired a PB-21H battery for my Kenwood TH41 handheld.
- Does anyone have any idea what I need to charge this battery? I could
- go buy a BC-2 or BC-6, but I could also probably buy something at half
- Kenwood's price, if I knew what was needed. The battery and its packing
- materials give no clue.
- The PB-21H is the high-powered battery for the Kenwood TH21-31-41
- series. Output is 7.2V DC (500 mAh).
- --Brian Bechtel blob@apple.com N6RMR
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 89 23:45:35 GMT
- From: ico!ism780c!kirkd@handies.ucar.edu (Kirk Davis)
- Subject: New FCC question pools
- Hello all...
- Does anyone perhaps know where the new FCC Technician question pools
- can be downloaded/FTP'ed??? E-Mail or post, tnx,
- -kbd- (kirkd@ism780c.isc.com -or- uunet!ism780c!kirkd)
- ------------------------------
- Date: 28 Oct 89 22:11:44 GMT
- From: pacbell!noe!marc@ames.arc.nasa.gov (Marc de Groot)
- Subject: PL259 connector assembly
- In article <4064@cbnewsc.ATT.COM> parnass@cbnewsc.ATT.COM (Bob Parnass, AJ9S) writes:
- >Also, I've not been able to get solder to stick to AVA brand
- >connectors, so I only use Amphenol PL-259s, with silver plated body
- >when available.
- When I can't get solder to stick to a PL-259 I use a small triangular
- file to remove the plating from inside the four holes. That usually
- does the trick.
- --
- Marc de Groot (KG6KF) These ARE my employer's opinions!
- Noe Systems, San Francisco
- UUCP: uunet!hoptoad!noe!marc
- Internet: marc@kg6kf.AMPR.ORG
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 89 05:23:33 GMT
- From: well!rh@apple.com (Robert Horvitz)
- Subject: Shortwave Listening via C-SPAN
- On November 1st, the C-SPAN Audio Network formally begins operation,
- delivering English-language shortwave programming by satellite to all of
- the cable television systems that subscribe to C-SPAN video. (Actually,
- the signals have been available in the transponders of Galaxy III since
- early in September. Cable systems will start utilizing them Nov. 1st.)
- C-SPAN Audio 1 is a smorgasbord of US Congressional hearings in the
- afternoon, and shortwave programs in the morning and all evening. Among
- the services initially available are the BBC, R Canada International,
- R Beijing R Japan, R Netherlands, Deutsche Welle and R Prague. Available
- soon will be R France International, R Austria International, and others.
- C-SPAN Audio 2 is the BBC World Service - nonstop, 24 hours/day, and with
- studio-quality sound.
- If you are a cable subscriber and want your local system to start carrying
- these services as the sound on alphanumeric channels, tell your cable
- operator to contact:
- Beth Glatt, Manager
- C-SPAN Audio Network
- Suite 650
- 400 N. Capitol St. NW
- Washington, DC 20001
- (phone 202-737-3220).
- If your cable system already carries C-SPAN video, there is NO ADDITIONAL
- CHARGE for these shortwave broadcast feeds, and they are available in the
- same transponders as the video they already receive. All the cable system
- needs is a pair of SCPC (single-channel-per-carrier) demodulators. The
- only condition that C-SPAN imposes is that if a system wants to carry the
- BBC World Service, they must also carry Audio 1.
- This is potentially one of the best and easiest ways to expose millions of
- Americans to shortwave listening. Even if YOU have access directly
- yourself, think of all those who don't, and how much it might benefit them.
- Note that all the C-SPAN relays are real-time - no delays. And more feeds
- are planned in the future - in foreign languages (Japanese, Chinese,
- Spanish, French, etc.) - as well as English from other regions - Africa,
- Southeast Asia, etc.
- C-SPAN is also preparing a tape that explains what shortwave broadcasting
- is, to run every day on their audio channels. Let's help them get the word
- out. This project is bound to stimulate much wider interest in SWLing,
- and increase the American public's understanding of foreign points of view.
- --
- ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
- Robert Horvitz, Executive Secretary ANARC BBS: 1-913-345-1978
- Association of North American Radio Clubs Compuserve: 76210,517
- P.O. Box 143, Falls Church, VA 22046-0143 USA uucp: rh@well.sf.ca.us
- ------------------------------
- Date: 29 Oct 89 15:12:41 GMT
- From: bbn.com!rshapiro@bbn.com (Richard Shapiro)
- Subject: Shortwave Listening via C-SPAN
- In article <14346@well.UUCP> rh@well.UUCP (Robert Horvitz) writes:
- >On November 1st, the C-SPAN Audio Network formally begins operation,
- >delivering English-language shortwave programming by satellite to all of
- >the cable television systems that subscribe to C-SPAN video...
- This sounds wonderful, but I'm not sure I understand just where
- listeners can expect to find these broadcasts. On the SAP signal of
- the two CSPAN cable channels? Somewhere else in the TV portion of the
- cable signal? Somewhere on the FM-band portion of the cable signal?
- Can you provide more details, or will this vary which each cable
- company?
- R Shapiro (rec.radio.shortwave proponent)
- ------------------------------
- End of INFO-HAMS Digest V89 Issue #822
- **************************************